Fiercely Independent
Honored to jump into my first leading role Off-Broadway with this powerful and challenging new play. Written and directed by three-time TONY Award Winner Kathleen K. Johnson, this show is a challenge from start to finish...and I'm enjoying every second.
Come and see this gem--it's well worth the rollercoaster!
WHAT: World Premiere of FIERCELY INDEPENDENT by Kathleen Johnson
WHEN: March 2 - April 7, 2019
WHERE: SoHo Playhouse
STARRING: Caitlin Gallogly, Christopher M Smith, Jordan Sobel
"Julie (Gallogly) was, for me, the best part of the play. Maybe she reminded me of a girlfriend I had once. Or a girl I liked. Or a girl I want. But she had a tenderness to her sharp wit, a sensuality to her girl-next-door-ness; I found myself mostly watching her [...]because she was MORE interesting; I cared about her and hoped she would find a man who could show his true feelings. At the end when the audience was clapping at each actor, the claps rained the hardest when Gallogly stepped forward. She seemed genuinely surprised, almost embarrassed. But we weren’t. We were just showing our appreciation for the actor we felt began, and ended, the story."
"I loved every captivating minute of it...Caitlin Gallogly and Christopher M. Smith are the perfect imperfect couple. Through simple interaction, they take the audience on a transformative journey...they are masters at capturing the real, heart-wrenching and very human attempt to find oneself again within the consequences of who we used to be. These two wonderful actors teach us that there is no such thing as being right or wrong...Caitlin walked off the stage and back on again for the curtain call with tears in her eyes; the anxiety and hurt, from beginning to end, was always written on her face."
"Even better is Gallogly who makes use of her ability to handle both comedic timing and dramatic tension to play up Julie’s bottomless desire to please. Whether she is using silly voices to charm or cutting remarks to dent Robert’s armor, she remains committed to Julie’s inner turmoil [...] Caitlin Gallogly’s layered performance is the best reason to see this world premiere of Fiercely Independent."
"Gallogly and Smith are both remarkable performers, painting their respective characters in shades of grey rather than black and white, allowing us to see their flaws without being forced to condemn them as individuals."